

2010-05-11 11:58:00 来源:公司办公室 点击: 收藏本文




时间:2010年5月11日(星期二)下午3:00- 5:00


报告人:Mingming Zhou  教授

(新加坡·南洋理工大学 心理学助理教授)


报告题目:Self-Regulated Learning: Are They Regulating Themselves?



          报告摘要:The discussions of how students regulate their learning have continued for decades. Initial attempts to measure self-regulated learning (SRL) using surveys and interviews were successful in predicting academic performance. In the last decade, the second wave of research shifted the focus to the development of online measures of SRL processes and motivation and beliefs about learning.


         In this talk, I first provide an overview of the various SRL measures and assessment tools currently available to researchers and evaluate them in terms of how they contribute to SRL research. I then describe a series of empirical studies to demonstrate innovative methods of measuring SRL including single-item measures, structured diary measures, think-aloud protocols, and computer traces. With the emerging methods, I argue that the key to measure SRL is to provide dynamic, adaptive, on-the-fly data so that we can diagnose and remediate self-regulatory dysfunctions and help students become masters of their own learning processes.


       报告人简介:Mingming Zhou 博士现为新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育研究所的心理学助理教授。她早年在比利时的鲁汶大学获得教育学硕士学位,后在加拿大Simon Fraser University获得教育心理学的博士学位,曾在Simon Fraser University从事博士后研究、日本东京理工学院、芬兰University of Oulu从事教育心理学领域的研究工作。其主要研究兴趣在发展新颖的研究方法和技术研究不同年龄人群认知、动机和自主学习的特点及其关系,以及如何运用现代技术提高教学和学习的质量和效率等。

