

Jonathan Zaff 博士(美国)讲座信息

2011-04-12 08:50:00 来源:公司办公室 点击: 收藏本文


时间:2011年4月14日(星期四)下午3:00- 5:00



报告人:Jonathan Zaff 博士

美国的承诺联盟 研究与政策发展部 副总裁

塔夫斯大学 儿童发展系副教授/公民与公共事务学院 研究员





Title: "Developing Youth Systems to Optimize Positive Youth Development"


A “youth system” comprises key developmental resources integrated across the contexts of schools, families, and all facets of the community that may be applied to support the educational, social, emotional, and civic development of each child. I posit that when a child is embedded within such a youth system, and when that system is aligned with the individual strengths and needs of the child, then that child’s development will be optimized. This optimization results in higher academic achievement, stronger social and life skills, and pathways to economic success, and socioemotional and familial well-being.


In this talk, I will discuss the idea of a “youth system,” consider youth systems within the context of school reform in the United States, describe the work of a national collaboration to catalyze action for youth, and discuss a four-city research project that my team is conducting to understand how youth systems are developed and the effect they have on youth.



Jonathan Zaff, Ph.D., is the Vice President of Research and Policy Development at the America’s Promise Alliance, a multi-sector collaboration in the United States focused on ensuring that all young people graduate from high school ready for college, work, and life. He is also a Research Associate Professor in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development and a senior fellow at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, both at Tufts University. His research focuses primarily on studying how youth navigate through and are influenced by their social contexts and how these dynamics promote positive outcomes among youth, particularly with regard to academic achievement and civic engagement. Dr. Zaff‘s work has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and reports to government, non-governmental and philanthropic organizations.








Jonathan Zaff 现任美国的承诺联盟研究与政策发展部副总裁(“美国的承诺联盟”是一个多领域合作的机构,专注于保证所有青少年高中毕业并为大学、工作和生活做好准备,由美国前国务卿鲍威尔将军及其夫人创建,认为美国应该为青少年的发展提供五项承诺:Caring adults, Safe Places, A Healthy Start, An Effective Education and Opportunities to Help Others,即有关爱的成年人、安全的环境、健康的开始、有效的教育和帮助他人的机会,详细请参见:http://www.americaspromise.org/)。他还是塔夫斯大学儿童发展系副教授、公民与公共事务学院研究员。Jonathan Zaff 的研究主要关注青少年如何利用社会情境以及如何被社会情境影响、这些互动过程如何促进青少年的积极发展特别是学业发展和公民参与。Zaff博士参与了大量学术论文、书籍和政府的、非政府的和公益机构的报告等的写作。